Tips for Real Estate Agents

More than 80% of consumers buy from their phones, so if your website is not downloaded correctly on smartphones and tablets , you are losing traffic to your site of potential customers, and Google will penalize you in the search results.

If you’re tired of the endless lists of best SEO practices, do not worry, you’re not the only one. Luckily, there are several tips that can help you optimize your sites without having to torment you.

Update the directory

Keep your contact information updated in the directories home buyers houston. Just as you should never forget to create your meta description, since this will help you to appear in the search engines. So pay attention to your social networks and to pages like Yellow Section, Yelp or Google Plus.

Earn qualifications

Once your directories are in order, it is important that you ask your clients to rate you. Ask friends, family and employees to leave a review or comment on your site, you can facilitate things by sending a link.

Make your site mobile-sensitive

More than 80% of consumers buy from mobile devices. So if your website is not adapted for users to navigate easily from their phones and / or tablets, they are losing a lot of traffic from interested buyers.

Check that your website easily loads on mobile devices. Otherwise, Google will penalize you in the search rankings, since the first places are for those websites that provide the best online experience.


Creating a blog is one of the best ways to achieve organic traffic and improve the SEO of our website. Why?

Take the traffic to your page, significantly increasing traffic. This tells Google that your website is relevant to users.

Encourage readers to share the content, getting publicity. The more people you share, the better it is for search engine rankings.

Educate yourself.

When it comes to SEO, it is necessary to take the time to learn and a little more so that your efforts begin to pay off. There are many agencies that seek to sign long-term contracts with them, therefore, it is necessary to learn about what SEO and its practices are, to know if you need to hire these services or not.

Read specialized sites such as Inman, Hubspot or Moz, they will be of great help for you to learn quickly about digital marketing.