If we remember, since we were very young we have been impacted by advertising; in fact I still remember the commercials that impelled me to shut my mother or grandmother to buy me the house or the car of the Barbie, the doll that spoke repeating everything they said or a new bicycle.

I also remember those radio or television commercials that we sang, we danced and we even learned, those hurdles that I tried to read in the streets or the rains of fliers that from time to time they launched from small planes, especially in times of politics.

Over the years things have changed and, like our habits, our reaction to advertising has also changed a lot …

Given this change, advertising has also evolved, since for about 20 years it has not only limited to making prints, billboards or creating radio and television ads.

Advances in technology have opened the door to a new era, the era of Digital Marketing, which allows you to reach and attract the attention of your main audiences, through new forms and with more precision.

Although nowadays traditional advertising is still widely used and has its role, Digital Advertising gives us endless platforms, purchasing models and formats, which can be executed in the immense digital environment, which is where those people you want to reach They spend more time.

What is digital advertising?

It is the tactic of taking advantage of the Internet, its platforms, technologies, channels and resources to offer consumers promotional advertisements. These ads can be directed through Email Marketing , SEM , mobile advertising and Social Ads.

Why should not you ignore digital advertising?

FIRST: for no one is a secret that the consumer spends more and more time connected, a trend that has been greatly impacted by the revolution of mobile devices. That means that digital advertising is a fantastic way to reach them.

SECOND: as I mentioned above, when you do traditional advertising campaigns, it is massive, it reaches all kinds of people (those of your target audience and those who have nothing to do) and you have little control over it; instead, digital advertising allows you to accurately target the audience that is most likely to buy your product or hire your service. And I’m not referring only to demographic segmentation, but to establish audiences with specific behaviors, specific interests, lifestyle, browsing habits on the Internet, jobs, place of study, behavioral variables, etc.

THIRD: digital advertising is more universal and flexible, which creates opportunities to tell stories in a different way, on a large scale and in context; through the channels that the consumer frequents. These stories you can count on with text, images, videos and other content.

FOURTH: Nowadays advertising can be part of an ongoing conversation. Digital ads are everywhere and can be seen on your website, on mobile phones, on social media and smart watches. These allow you to reach a wider audience, in real time and increasingly personal.

In short, digital advertising, from its birth to today, has been adjusted to new trends and technologies, and what is to come is very likely to exceed our expectations. She continues to gain momentum and it is vitally important that you make her an integral part of your Marketing Strategy so that you can begin to capitalize on this powerful resource.

Learn more about Digital Advertising!

Download our ebook “Why invest in Digital Advertising? Advantages and benefits?” in which you will find:

Types of digital advertising

Main platforms

Purchase models

Programmatic purchase

Advantages and benefits of investing in Digital Advertising

Tips for a successful campaign